DAC2024 – Highlights from EyeSeeTea

Once again, the annual DHIS2 conference has been an amazing experience. This year the two EyeSeeTea co-founders, Nacho Foche and Adrian Quintana, went to Oslo to attend in person and almost all the team attended online. We presented three posters, spoke in two sessions and were finalists (winners!) at the DHIS2 app competition… and the best of all: we had the opportunity to learn from the community and meet amazing people!

And the DAC2024 app competition winner is…

Metadata Sync, our metadata & data synchronization solution for DHIS2, is the winner of the 2024 DHIS App Competition! Here you can watch our director, Nacho, receiving the award. You can download the app from the DHIS2 App Hub and check the video tutorials and the text documentation on Metadata Sync website. Code source available on the repo.

Here you can watch the presentation by Adrian presenting the app during the DHIS2 Developers session, the video starts at his presentation.

Presenting d2-logger: a Logging Library for Advanced Data Operation Tracking

During the session “Extending DHIS2”, Nacho presented d2-logger, a library to facilitate the seamless transmission of log data to DHIS2. It allows standard application operations to proceed while concurrently transmitting generated logs to the specified DHIS2 instance. These logs are then materialized as events within a DHIS2 program, enabling their analysis through DHIS2’s capture, Event Reports, or other tools. This results in an efficient logging solution based on DHIS2’s robust framework. The versatility of this library extends beyond its primary function. It can be employed in various scenarios, including monitoring extensive backend operations or consolidating operations tracking of multiple DHIS2 applications in a single repository.

This session showcased the library’s diverse applications, illustrating how it can enhance data operation tracking in DHIS2 environments. You can watch it here, the video starts with Nacho’s presentation.

Autogen forms, d2-visualizations and UHC Watch development: our three posters for DAC2024

One of our posters focused on autogen forms, our tool to quickly create customized DHIS2 forms. You can read more about it on our community post.

The other two posters were related to the development of the UHC Watch Platform, a DHIS2-Based Tool for monitoring financial protection in Europe and central Asia. For this custom DHIS2 based website, we have developed one of our latest DHIS2 tools: d2-visualization. It allows DHIS2 visualizations customizations not possible through DHIS2 Data Visualizer, such as adjusting fonts, colors, legends, labels, or series. You can check out the poster here.

Sharing knowledge, meeting with partners and getting feedback on EyeSeeTea DHIS2 Suite

One of the best thing of DHIS2 Conferences is the opportunity to meet in person some of our partners, to receive feedback from our apps and to learn from other developers and discuss the present and future of DHIS2 development. Some highlights from this year:

  • DHIS2 UiO core developers team: Thanks so much to Austin McGee , Birk Johansson, Markus Bekken and Kai Vandivier, from the DHIS2 core team, for discussing with us how they have used some of our ideas on using Typescript, following the code of our d2-api that is used in all our apps. We also talked on identifying new ways of collaboration for developers, that could help the developers community in staying closer and better informed of the decisions taken in UiO – as well as serving as advisors. We also had some really interesting talks with Austin on extensibility.
  • Samaritan’s Purse: we discussed one of our current projects (Operation Christmas Child) and talked about exciting new projects! Also, we did some requirement gathering and design for a new release of one of our apps for them, the data management.
  • Simprints: exciting talk about the future of the DHIS2 Android Capture app it is being used to track the new malaria vaccination. You can find out more about this project in this post: “biometrics against malaria
  • Resolve to Save Lives: we had the opportunity to share opinions on the official DHIS2 package we are building for WHO and how that compares to the amazing Hypertension package they have.
  • Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI): so happy to know that they are using our app Metadata Sync in one of their projects in Burkina Faso.
  • MSF OCP: very interesting talks on how to reuse some our scripts to manage TEI and closure program stages. Very happy to know that they are finding MetaData Sync app very useful and we had the opportunity to help them in solving some issues, as well as with their usage of some of our publicly available scripts (d2-tools)
  • Hisp Tanzania: it was great to talk with them after the developers session and find out that some of our DHIS2 Suite apps, in particular, Metadata Sync, Bulk Load and User Extended are widely used in the community. We also got some very good feedback and use cases from the community.
  • Hisp Nigeria: it was very nice to discuss autogen forms with them and also about our development of UHC Watch.
  • Abt Associates: always a pleasure to talk with them and here their (very positive) feedback for MetaData Sync.
  • FHI360: very interesting to know how they use our Bulk Load App and how they are looking forward for it to be compatible with version 40 (very soon!).
  • Uganda National Institute of health: thanks to let us know that they find our DHIS2 Suite very interesting

One of our main takeaways is to know new usages of our DHIS2 Suite apps that we were not aware until the conference. We are very proud of it!

Thanks to UiO and the amazing Community of Practice!

Last, but not least, we’d like to thank the amazing conference organization and the awesome DHIS2 community. You can watch a session about building communities of practice, in this video. The video below starts at our little homage to the DHIS2 community 🙂

We were also very happy to receive two awards for our contributions – the most active on social media and CoP activity winner.

DHIS2 API Tips and CheatSheet

We will be collecting here some helpful resources regarding DHIS2 API. This is a work in progress and your feedback is more than appreciated. Please write to us if you have any!


You can download this cheatsheet as a png or pdf

Useful Links

Fighting malaria with technology

On World Malaria Day we are proud to contribute to the fight against malaria through 3 projects we showcase in this brief article.

The World Malaria Report tracks the global response to malaria. We have been working with WHO on the Report since 2019. It uses both direct data input through a custom form and data from different countries imported with Bulk Load and other DHIS2 tools.

Malaria Threats Maps is a WHO comprehensive platform on the four biological threats to malaria control and elimination.

We work together with Simprints to track the new vaccination against malaria. Integrating our applications, we’re strengthening the data tracking systems to optimise the rollout of the malaria vaccine in Ghana using a state-of-the-art biometrics solution

Today’s theme for #WorldMalariaDay is “Accelerating the fight against malaria for a more equitable world”. We think these three projects are examples of #techforgood that help indeed to speed up the end of this disease. Thanks to our partners to allow us to help them in their efforts to end malaria for good

Biometrics against malaria

Simprints and EyeSeeTea are working together to track the new vaccination against malaria, in partnership with Ghana Health Service, with support from Gavi, Arm, and The Steele Foundation for Hope. Integrating our applications, we’re strengthening the data tracking systems to optimise the rollout of the malaria vaccine in two regions of Ghana using a state-of-the-art biometrics mobile solution. 

Community member has their fingerprint scanned on Simprints’ Vero scanner so the Health Worker can find their digital health record

Healthcare is a universal human right which everyone should have access to. However, communities worldwide are missing out on the continuity of healthcare and life-saving services that are meant for them because they have no safe, reliable, mobile form of ID.

An estimated 850 million people globally lack formal identification (ID), which makes it incredibly hard to verify that critical services are reaching the people they are meant for. For governments, international development organizations, and local NGOs, this presents a very real challenge for practitioners – how can we verify that critical services and resources (such as vaccines, humanitarian aid parcels, and mosquito bed nets) are reaching target populations? This uncertainty is exactly what Simprints is tackling through its biometric solutions in seventeen low and middle-income countries across the globe. 

A new kind of tech for good: Biometrics ID with privacy at its core that gives people a safe digital identity and ensures that every vaccine reaches those who need it the most

Tracking reliable health data is key to ensuring access to critical health services for all, and biometrics can play a vital role in assessing the success of campaigns such as immunisation series. Through Simprints technology, unique medical records are being created – eliminating duplicates and ensuring reliable data on the number of people immunised. 

“Data is everything. The beauty of the biometric component is that it makes it easy for patient registration, identification and follow-up”
Dr John Ekow Otoo
Deputy Director, PH, Eastern Region, GHS

Child awaits health check at a rural, outdoor health clinic

Tech for Good

Health and biometric data is sensitive data and, as such, has to be stored using robust software. This is where EyeSeeTea comes in. We develop and maintain the customized Android Capture App enabling data capture (including biometrics capture and integration with the Simprints App used for patient identification, enrollment & verification) and ensure that all data is safely stored using DHIS2, the world’s largest open-source health management information system (HMIS). Currently, DHIS2 is in use in more than 100 countries. EyeSeeTea’s expertise with DHIS2 guarantees that Simprints’ cutting-edge technology is combined with a reliable data input and storage system. 

During this development, there has been implemented a solution that can:

    • Enroll users attaching their biometrics

    • Identify users by their biometrics

    • Verify users by their biometrics

Once biometrics are complete the health worker returns to the DHIS2 app and is presented with a list of potential matches. From this list she or he can select the correct record and proceed with the follow-up visit.

Maximising vaccination coverage 

The malaria vaccine requires four separate and accurately timed rounds to ensure full protection. With its mobile app, Simprints enables healthcare workers to track patients’ immunisation status, maximising vaccination coverage and reducing the number of children who drop out of the vaccination series before the vital final round. 

The customised version of the DHIS2 etracker application developed by EyeSeeTea, with Simprints’ state-of-the-art biometrics solutions integrated into it, is helping track the vaccination campaign, strengthening the data tracking systems to optimise the verified delivery of the malaria vaccine in two regions of Ghana. This ground-breaking project is a first in Ghana – rolling out the first biometric technology designed for the last mile and frontline health workers with contact and contactless biometric modalities. 

Simprints and EyeSeeTea continue to work together to improve the user experience and technology as we scale project impact in Ghana.  Alongside project partners, we’re using the power of innovative technology to unlock access to critical health interventions in the fight against malaria.

Spanish and French translations available.

Biometría contra la malaria

Simprints y EyeSeeTea colaboran en el seguimiento de la nueva vacuna contra la malaria, en asociación con el Servicio de Salud de Ghana, con el apoyo de Gavi, Arm y The Steele Foundation for Hope. Integrando nuestras aplicaciones, estamos reforzando los sistemas de seguimiento de datos para optimizar el despliegue de la vacuna contra la malaria en dos regiones de Ghana mediante una solución móvil biométrica de última generación.

Un miembro de la comunidad escanea su huella dactilar en el escáner Vero de Simprints para que el trabajador sanitario pueda encontrar su historial sanitario digital.

La asistencia sanitaria es un derecho humano universal al que todo el mundo debería tener acceso. Sin embargo, comunidades de todo el mundo se están perdiendo la continuidad de los servicios sanitarios y vitales que les corresponden por carecer de un documento de identidad seguro, fiable y móvil.

Se calcula que 850 millones de personas en todo el mundo carecen de identificación oficial, lo que dificulta enormemente la verificación de que los servicios esenciales llegan a sus destinatarios. Para los gobiernos, las organizaciones internacionales de desarrollo y las ONG locales, esto supone un reto muy real para los profesionales: ¿cómo podemos verificar que los servicios y recursos críticos (como vacunas, paquetes de ayuda humanitaria y mosquiteras) llegan a las poblaciones destinatarias? Esta incertidumbre es exactamente lo que Simprints está abordando a través de sus soluciones biométricas en diecisiete países de renta baja y media de todo el mundo.

Un nuevo tipo de tecnología para el bien: Identificación biométrica con privacidad en su núcleo que proporciona a las personas una identidad digital segura y garantiza que todas las vacunas lleguen a quienes más las necesitan.

El seguimiento de datos sanitarios fiables es clave para garantizar el acceso de todos a los servicios sanitarios críticos, y la biometría puede desempeñar un papel vital a la hora de evaluar el éxito de campañas como las series de vacunación. Gracias a la tecnología Simprints, se están creando historiales médicos únicos que eliminan los duplicados y garantizan datos fiables sobre el número de personas vacunadas.

“Los datos lo son todo. Lo bueno del componente biométrico es que facilita el registro, la identificación y el seguimiento de los pacientes”
Dr John Ekow Otoo
Subdirector de Salud Pública, Región Oriental, GHS

Un niño espera una revisión médica en un dispensario rural al aire libre.

Tecnología para el bien

Los datos biométricos y de salud son datos sensibles y, como tales, deben almacenarse mediante un software robusto. Aquí es donde entra EyeSeeTea. Desarrollamos y mantenemos la aplicación Android Capture personalizada que permite la captura de datos (incluida la captura biométrica y la integración con la aplicación Simprints utilizada para la identificación, inscripción y verificación de pacientes) y garantizamos que todos los datos se almacenan de forma segura utilizando DHIS2, el sistema de información de gestión sanitaria (HMIS) de código abierto más grande del mundo. Actualmente, DHIS2 se utiliza en más de 100 países. La experiencia de EyeSeeTea con DHIS2 garantiza que la tecnología punta de Simprints se combina con un sistema fiable de entrada y almacenamiento de datos.

Durante este desarrollo, hemos implementado una solución que puede:

Registrar a los usuarios mediante sus datos biométricos
Identificar a los usuarios mediante sus datos biométricos
Verificar a los usuarios mediante sus datos biométricos

Una vez completados los datos biométricos, el trabajador sanitario vuelve a la aplicación DHIS2 y se le presenta una lista de posibles coincidencias. De esta lista puede seleccionar el registro correcto y proceder con la visita de seguimiento.

Maximizar la cobertura de vacunación

La vacuna contra la malaria requiere cuatro rondas separadas y cronometradas con precisión para garantizar una protección completa. Con su aplicación móvil, Simprints permite a los trabajadores sanitarios hacer un seguimiento del estado de inmunización de los pacientes, maximizando la cobertura de vacunación y reduciendo el número de niños que abandonan la serie de vacunación antes de la vital ronda final.

La versión personalizada de la aplicación DHIS2 etracker desarrollada por EyeSeeTea, con las soluciones biométricas de vanguardia de Simprints integradas en ella, está ayudando a seguir la campaña de vacunación, reforzando los sistemas de seguimiento de datos para optimizar la entrega verificada de la vacuna contra la malaria en dos regiones de Ghana. Este proyecto pionero es una primicia en Ghana: el despliegue de la primera tecnología biométrica diseñada para la última milla y los trabajadores sanitarios de primera línea con modalidades biométricas de contacto y sin contacto.

Simprints y EyeSeeTea siguen trabajando juntos para mejorar la experiencia del usuario y la tecnología a medida que ampliamos el impacto del proyecto en Ghana. Junto con los socios del proyecto, estamos utilizando el poder de la tecnología innovadora para desbloquear el acceso a intervenciones sanitarias críticas en la lucha contra la malaria.

La biométrie contre le paludisme

Simprints et EyeSeeTea travaillent ensemble pour traquer la nouvelle vaccination contre le paludisme, en partenariat avec le Ghana Health Service, avec le soutien de Gavi, Arm, et The Steele Foundation for Hope. En intégrant nos applications, nous renforçons les systèmes de suivi des données afin d’optimiser le déploiement du vaccin contre le paludisme dans deux régions du Ghana à l’aide d’une solution mobile biométrique de pointe.

Un membre de la communauté fait numériser son empreinte digitale sur le scanner Vero de Simprints afin que l’agent de santé puisse trouver son dossier médical numérique.

La santé est un droit universel auquel chacun devrait avoir accès. Cependant, dans le monde entier, on peut constater que des nombreuses  communautés ne bénéficient pas de la continuité des soins de santé et des services vitaux qui leur sont destinés parce qu’elles n’ont pas de moyen d’identification sûr, fiable et mobile.

On estime que 850 millions de personnes dans le monde n’ont pas d’identification formelle, ce qui rend incroyablement difficile de vérifier que les services essentiels parviennent aux personnes auxquelles ils sont destinés. Pour les gouvernements, les organisations internationales de développement et les ONG locales, il s’agit là d’un véritable défi pour les praticiens : comment vérifier que les services et les ressources essentiels (tels que les vaccins, les colis d’aide humanitaire et les moustiquaires) atteignent les populations ciblées ? C’est précisément à cette incertitude que Simprints s’attaque grâce à ses solutions biométriques dans dix-sept pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire à travers le monde.

Une nouvelle technologie au service du bien commun : L'identification biométrique, au cœur de la protection de la vie privée, qui donne aux gens une identité numérique sûre et garantit que chaque vaccin atteint ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.

Le suivi de données sanitaires fiables est essentiel pour garantir l’accès de tous aux services de santé essentiels, et la biométrie peut jouer un rôle vital dans l’évaluation du succès de campagnes telles que les séries de vaccination. Grâce à la technologie Simprints, des dossiers médicaux uniques sont créés, ce qui permet d’éliminer les doublons et d’obtenir des données fiables sur le nombre de personnes vaccinées.

“Les données sont essentielles. L’intérêt de la composante biométrique est qu’elle facilite l’enregistrement, l’identification et le suivi des patients.”
Dr John Ekow Otoo
Directeur adjoint, PH, région orientale, GHS

Un enfant attend un bilan de santé dans un dispensaire rural en plein air.

La technologie au service du bien commun

Les données sanitaires et biométriques sont des données sensibles et, en tant que telles, doivent être stockées à l’aide d’un logiciel robuste. C’est là qu’intervient EyeSeeTea. Nous développons et maintenons l’application DHIS2 etracker, personnalisée à partir de l’application Android Capture App permettant la capture des données (y compris la capture biométrique et l’intégration avec l’application Simprints utilisée pour l’identification, l’inscription et la vérification des patients) et veillons à ce que toutes les données soient stockées en toute sécurité à l’aide de DHIS2, le plus grand système d’information de gestion de la santé (HMIS) à code source ouvert au monde. DHIS2 est actuellement utilisé dans plus de 100 pays. L’expertise d’EyeSeeTea en matière de DHIS2 garantit que la technologie de pointe de Simprints est associée à un système fiable de saisie et de stockage des données tel que DHIS2.

Au cours de ce développement, nous avons mis en œuvre une solution qui peut :

  • Enrôler les utilisateurs grâce à leurs données biométriques
  • Identifier les utilisateurs à l’aide de leurs données biométriques
  • Vérifier les utilisateurs à l’aide de leurs données biométriques
  • Une fois les données biométriques sont soumises, l’agent de santé retourne à l’application DHIS2 et se voit présenter une liste de correspondances potentielles. Dans cette liste, il peut sélectionner le dossier correct et procéder à la visite de suivi.

Maximiser la couverture vaccinale

Le vaccin contre le paludisme doit être administré en quatre fois et avec précision pour garantir une protection complète. Grâce à son application mobile, Simprints permet aux professionnels de la santé de suivre le statut vaccinal de leurs patients, ce qui maximise la couverture vaccinale et réduit le nombre d’enfants qui abandonnent la série de vaccinations avant le dernier cycle vital.

La version personnalisée de l’application DHIS2 etracker développée par EyeSeeTea, à laquelle sont intégrées les solutions biométriques de pointe de Simprints, permet de suivre la campagne de vaccination et de renforcer les systèmes de suivi des données afin d’optimiser l’administration vérifiée du vaccin contre le paludisme dans deux régions du Ghana. Ce projet innovant est une première au Ghana – il déploie la première technologie biométrique conçue pour le dernier kilomètre et les travailleurs de santé de première ligne avec des modalités biométriques avec et sans contact. 

Simprints et EyeSeeTea continuent de travailler ensemble pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur et la technologie à mesure que nous augmentons l’impact du projet au Ghana.  Aux côtés des partenaires du projet, nous utilisons la puissance d’une technologie innovante pour faciliter l’accès à des interventions sanitaires essentielles dans la lutte contre le paludisme.

User Extended App: One app to rule them all

A DHIS2 user management application that provides an easy and integrated way to do common operations (single and bulk) on DHIS2 users, expanding the functionalities of the official app. 

Have you ever wished for a way to remove a role from many DHIS2 users at once? Disabling on bulk multiple users, or even users replications? to retrieve a list of names, last log in, user roles and user group? Import or export users from CSV files? If the answer is yes, User-Extended app is the answer.

Some of the main features of the User-Extended App, part of EyeSeeTea’s DHIS2 Suite, are:

  • Single actions: edit user properties, copy properties from a user into another user, replicate a user multiple times modifying some properties
  • Bulk actions: delete, edit, enable/disable, change user properties merging or replacing what they had before
  • Export/import to/from CSV to do bulk operations from a spreadsheet 

This app was a finalist at the 2022 DHIS2 App Competition abd has been proven to be extremely useful for any organisation using DHIS2 at a large-scale, such as several of our partners: the Norwegian Refugee Council, the WHO Integrated Data Platform (WIDP), Samaritan’s Purse and Medecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

How to use it? 

The User Extended App  is free and open source and you can download it from the DHIS2 App Store. There is extensive documentation at our wiki. You can also check out our open source code at our GitHub repository

Do you have any questions? You can either  post them at the incredibly supportive DHIS2 Community (mentioning @EyeSeeTea) or send us an email. Please, if you have any kind of feedback or problem, use the same channels to let us know. And if you are thankful for our effort, you can always support  our work  with a one-time contribution or becoming a regular github sponsor

How is it sustainable if it is free?

Short answer is thanks to our partners. We develop DHIS2 customised solutions for organisations who actively decide to open the code so everyone can benefit from it. We are also passionate about both DHIS2 and open source, so giving back to the community through dedicated development is part of our commitment and EyeSeeTea’s DNA.

One of our partners was the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), an independent humanitarian organisation helping people forced to flee. The NRC uses DHIS2 as a basis of their normal operation on the field, storing and analyzing the resulting data with this platform. Their extensive use of DHIS2 led them to reach some of the limitations of the system, needing some customizations for their specific use case. DHIS2 user management interface can become cumbersome for managing a big set of users. This is the case of NRC, so they decided to fund a stand-alone app now called User Extended App.

Later on, WHO started using DHIS2 within the so-called WHO Integrated Data Platform (WIDP), where several WHO projects share a dedicated hosting and maintenance provided by EyeSeeTea, As part of the general maintenance, WHO decided to back also some specific new features in the User Extended App. 

Last, but not least, another of our partners, Samaritan’s Purse and Medecins Sans Frontières (MSF) also backs the development of the application.

Where do we go from here? 

You can see our roadmap at our GitHub repository, If there is a request you would like, please let us know. Unfunded requests can take longer to be implemented, but we always take into account the community requests. If you are an organisation or company able to fund it, the implementation can be much quicker. Please send an email and we can talk. 

Useful Links